Fire occur at the short circuit would be far different from
the fire produced through the oil. So does the fire extinguishers. There are
plenty of verities of fire extinguishers are available in the market with the different
type of range and ratings. Choosing the appropriate fire extinguishers are as
necessary as the knowing what kind of fire will occur at your place. Here we
are providing the exclusive details about the various types of fireextinguishers.
Water Fire extinguishers
The water wire extinguisher’s huge part of the cylindrical tank is filled
with the water, but it also contains some part of the gas that pressurize the
water that helps to extinguishes the flames adequately and in very quick time. The tube is mounted in the fire extinguisher that
works as the medium for the liquid to pull out when needed through the outside
nozzle of the fire extinguisher.
Co2 fire extinguishers
The Co2 fire extinguishers are unique because it contains
the lots of natural carbon dioxide liquid in the cylinder, which is also joined
by the water that are very opposite for the oxygen and resist the fire to get
it consumed. These phenomenon quench the fire very well and stop it on the
moment to spread it further, Because the lack of the oxygen fire do not hold across
the ice cold carbon dioxide liquid pressure.
The fire extinguisher manufacturer makes the Co2 fireextinguisher in the way that it provides the maximum satisfactory output when
the fire accident occurs. This quality makes them the most efficient fire
extinguishers as compare to others.
Mostly these types of fire extinguishers are used for the offices,
workshops together with the various places where the high voltage shorts
circuits accidents take place.
These sorts of fire extinguishers are available for the
Class A and Class B types. It is made of
the flammable liquids such naphtha, paint, solvents, varnish; tar along with
the fats such Grease, resins and oils together with pigments. The foam splashed
by the fire extinguishers cut down the oxygen supply of the burning area and
eventually cool it down.
Clean agent fire extinguishers
The clean agent fire extinguisher contains the gas such
Novec 1230 or FM 200, which douse the fireplace exceedingly well and prevent the
spreading of it. Like any other fire suppressing system, clean agent fireextinguisher do not produce any vision problems or breathing difficulty while
it is sprayed on the fire. people could resume their work right after the
extinguishing process as the clean agent fire extinguisher do not affect them
Automatic fire extinguishers
Very adequate and precise equipment's. These sorts of fire
extinguishers would sense the flames and extinguishes it in the very time,
making it very quick responsive fire extinguishers. Automatic fireextinguishers are placed in the very dangerous sites such nuclear power plants
and submarines where extinguishing the fire in very quick time is needed.
Well, many do not that the choosing the wrong fire
extinguishers for the Class D fire may cause for damage than the fire itself.
They sometime explode when they comes in the contact with the water. Mixture of
the three metal chords sodium, potassium and barium it extinguishes the fire
range up to 500-2000 degree Celsius.
Comes in the different types, this extinguishers contains
the power with the pressurized nitrogen. That quenches the fire exceedingly
well. Comprise with the facilities such, control device and discharge facility,
these types of fire extinguishers are more adequate and can be available in the
competitive price as well.
Knowing the requirements and need, the customer should
choose the reliable manufacturer while buying the fire extinguishers. Buying
the fire extinguishers in the competitive price is okay but one should not
danger the safety of lives with money.
Different type of fire extinguishers
Reviewed by Kanex Fire
June 19, 2018

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