All kinds of businesses and industries know it well that they should have proper Fire Safety measures in place. In the case of a fire, a Fire Extinguisher can come handy. They are designed to extinguish the fire and prevent it from spreading further.
Even 20 years back, one used to see water-based fire extinguishers within the office premises. With the advancement of technology, foam-based extinguishers started to replace the traditional water-based extinguishers. Now, one gets to see CO2 Fire Extinguishers.
Knowing About A CO2 Fire Extinguisher:
A CO2 Fire Extinguisher is a kind of extinguisher that uses CO2 gas to reduce the level of heat and oxygen and extinguishing the fire. This type of extinguishers is slightly different from its predecessors, i.e. foam extinguishers. Foam extinguishers often activated live wire and used to cause further harm or damage. For instance, it often damaged the hard drive of the computer system.
However, it’s not the case with a CO2 extinguisher. This extinguisher is even known as an electrical Fire Extinguisher. It uses carbon dioxide to douse the oxygen present around the fire. Since a CO2 extinguisher doesn’t use water or foam; there remains a good chance of protecting the equipment like computer or servers, etc.
Why They Are A Better Choice?
Business facilities should opt for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher systems. They can easily put out fire blazing on any surface, i.e. any kind of electrical equipment. Use it on class B fires, which are mainly caused by flammable liquids.
Being prepared to deal with all kinds of fire accidents is important. It diminishes the chance of life loss and protects the assets from damage.
Wondering, which type of business would benefit from this kind of electrical fire extinguisher? Then you need to go through the rest of the post.
Nowadays, offices and automobile workshops remain at the risk of electrical fires. While you might have a Foam Extinguisher around but keeping an electrical extinguisher would be useful.
Electrical fired could be very dangerous. A Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher can douse the fire and prevent further electrical sparks, which can cause other electrical cables to catch fire. Hence, electrical stores can use this extinguisher.
Candle making shops should use this type of Fire Extinguisher. The use of wax in the form of oil could be found in these shops. It’s highly flammable as they are made of resin. Resins are even explosive. Hence, to extinguish the fire causes from wax, this extinguisher is perfect.
Wine shops are also prone to accidental fire due to the presence of flammable spirits. Some types of flammable spirits are brandy, rum, tequila, etc. Generally, when the content of alcohol is high, it’s flammable. In case, any of these flammable spirits cause fire, a CO2 extinguisher would douse it.
It’s important to identify a high-quality CO2 Fire Extinguisher. You can easily locate it from its CO2 label, printed on the top of the extinguisher. Make sure you go for reputed manufacturers. They would gladly assist you in obtaining the right kind of extinguisher for the business facility.
How Important is A CO2 Fire Extinguisher for A Business Facility?
Reviewed by Kanex Fire
January 10, 2020

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