Fire Safety is an important topic that almost everyone should be aware of. Across the world, there are so many fire-related accidents taking place each day. Some of them are not under our control but most of them are. With little precaution and knowledge, one can save themselves and others from massive fires. However, in many areas, the subject of Fire Safety is often overlooked. If you are looking to install Fire Fighting Equipment in your building or house, it is necessary to have some knowledge about them. For example, fire extinguishers themselves have different types and forms. Unless you have the right one installed in your place, you might not get complete protection.
Types of Fire Extinguishers:
Water and Foam:
This is perhaps the most commonly used Fire Extinguisher. Made out of water and foam, this is a Class A fire extinguisher that removes the heating element of the fire triangle. The foam also separates the oxygen from other elements. These extinguishers do not work in Class B or Class C fires. It can add to shock hazard on a Class C fire.
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers:
This kind of Fire Extinguisher consists of carbon dioxide. Once out of the extinguisher, the Co2 turns extremely cold; thereby, removes the heat from the burning element. Co2 Fire Extinguisher is considered appropriate for Class B and Class C fires. But that also does not mean you can use it for Class A fires. It remains ineffective.
Dry Chemical:
Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher works primarily by destroying the chemical reaction as per the fire triangle. In modern days, this is the most trusted fire extinguisher that can work for multi-purpose activities. It is made out of dry chemicals; therefore, it is effective for Class A, B and C fires. You need to identify the type of dry chemical used. The ordinary dry chemical is only effective for class B and C fires.
Wet Chemical:
This is comparatively a new agent used to control fire. It prevents the re-ignition of fire by removing heat from the fire triangle. It obstructs oxygen and fuel elements.
Dry Powder:
This powder is similar to the dry chemical. However, the difference lies in the method in which the fire is extinguished. The Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher is considered right for Class D fires. Such extinguishers are not effective in other classes of fires.
There are other Types of Fire Extinguishers as well. However, these are the most commonly used ones. To bring the fire under control you need to have the right fire extinguisher. Using the wrong class extinguisher can only add fuel to re-ignite the fire and create a massive fire breakout. If you are not aware of the classes and which one you might need always consult an expert.
With the increase in the number of fire breakouts, people need to install Fire Extinguishers almost everywhere. However, installing them will just not work as people should also know using the extinguisher. Make sure to go through the demonstration procedure after installing the extinguisher.
The Different Types of Fire Fighting Equipment for Fire Safety
Reviewed by Kanex Fire
April 08, 2020

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