It’s important to know the causes of fire accidents, in case, you are unaware of it. Some of the common causes are:
Faulty Electrical System: Old electrical systems with poor circuit or loose wires are susceptible to fire.
Flammable Materials: If flammable substances and materials are stored carelessly, it can lead to fire accidents.
Negligence: Failing to adhere to safety codes and protocols can lead to fire.
Careless Smoking: Cigarettes should be put off and then properly disposed. Only then accidental fires can be avoided.
There are many other causes that can lead to accidental fires, such as candles, ignored maintenance of heating equipment and more. Also, unattended cooking can lead to stove top fire.
What Steps To Be Taken During a Fire?
In case of a fire, one should do the following things:
- Never Panic
- Pull the nearest fire alarm that you find in the building.
- Try to locate a Fire Suppression System.
- When leaving the building or commercial space, make sure to feel doors for heat. During fire, the handles can get easily heated.
- On finding smoke in the air, remain very low to the ground. Keeping the head close to the ground can diminish the chance of inhaling the harmful fumes.
- Once you come out from the danger, head to a refuge area and wait for further instructions from fire safety personnel.
What You Should Do During Fire?
- If you are not able to exit the building because of smoke and fire, you should remain in the room. The door should be kept closed till some sort of assistance is available from the fire department.
- Do hang a colored handkerchief from the window. It would draw the rescue personnel’s attention.
- If present in the same room, try to reach a Fire Extinguisher or another fire suppression system.
- In order to keep the smoke from entering a room, stuff damp sheets or blankets within the spaces.
- When leaving the room, close the door behind you.
What You Shouldn’t Do During Fire?
- Don’ tamper with Fire System Equipment like smoke detectors or Fire Extinguishers is not at all advisable.
- Don’t run down the stairs as it can lead to injuries.
- Don’t use elevators during fire-emergency is a strictly prohibited. One should always take the stairs.
- Don’t waste time to collect personnel items. Only take money that can help you to reach a safe destination.
Ways to Prevent Fire Accidents:
- Change electrical wiring from time to time.
- Avoid careless use of candles. Put off the candles when going out.
- Smoke Detectors shouldn’t be disabled.
- Avoid indoor smoking.
- Prevent fire breakout by not overheating the cooking coils.
Proper precaution needs to be taken to keep a fire outbreak in check. When incidences of fire accident is handled carefully, loss of human lives, properties, and goods can be curtailed to a great extent.

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