Different Types of Fire Extinguishers for You to Know

Different Types of Fire Extinguishers

Everyone should be well aware of the fire safety measures. If one takes a closer look, one would get to hear many fire-related accidents taking place every hour. While most of the fire could be easily controlled but some are not. One can prevent massive fires if they have some basic knowledge about fire fighting equipment. For instance, one should know that there are different types of fire extinguishers in the market and each of them is designed for a specific job.

In this guide, we will try to provide you with a fair idea about different fire extinguisher types that can be used for suppressing fires.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Water Mist Extinguishers

This extinguisher comes in the form of a mist sprinkler. It is ideal to douse Class A, B, C, and F fires. The microscopic dry water particles present in the extinguishers cool down the burning fuel. This, in turn, cuts down the oxygen supply so that the fire gets extinguished completely.

These kinds of extinguishers are completely recyclable as it doesn’t contain any form of chemicals in them. However, this kind of fire extinguisher is not suitable for kitchen fires. So for kitchen fire safety, co2 fire extinguisher should be used.

Foam Extinguishers

One of the most common types of fire extinguishers is foam extinguishers. They are perfect for industrial areas or office spaces. These extinguishers can easily douse the fire caused by materials, like cardboard, textile, wood, paper, etc. even fire that gets triggered from petrol or paint can be stopped. However, it shouldn’t be used to douse kitchen fire or electrical fire.

Carbon Dioxide (co2) Extinguishers

The co2 fire extinguishers are great for places that contain tons of electrical gadgets, for example, workplaces or server rooms. Why? They are safe to be used on electrical fires and they won't cause any short circuits. Carbon dioxide present in the extinguisher won’t leave any residue, in contrast to foam extinguishers. They can likewise be utilized on Class B fires, those including combustible fluids such paraffin or petroleum. The working process of co2 fire extinguishers is by covering the fire and obstructing the air supply.

Dry & Wet Chemical Extinguishers

Among the various fire extinguisher types available in the market dry powder extinguisher is very popular. The dry powder extinguishers can quell Class D fires. Also, wet chemical extinguishers deserve special attention. Why? Well, the wet chemical fire extinguishers are highly suitable for Class F fires, i.e., fires caused by cooking oils and fats. So, kitchen with deep fat fryers should keep wet chemical extinguishers very handy. However, they can be used on Class A and even on Class B fires. The alkali salts in water are present in the pressurized form. So when one operates the extinguisher it creates a fine layer of mist that cools down the flames and prevents fire to spread.

Suppressing different types of fire would become an easy job if one knows the correct fire type and its equivalent fire suppression system. But as a part of the fire safety measure, one should ensure that all fire fighting equipment is in proper working condition. So that in case of a fire outbreak, one can easily douse the fire using the right fire extinguisher. Hence, keeping every individual protected.

Different Types of Fire Extinguishers for You to Know Different Types of Fire Extinguishers for You to Know Reviewed by Kanex Fire on April 07, 2022 Rating: 5

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