Care and Maintenance of Your Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire Fighting Equipment

It’s common for residential societies and business establishments to have many fire extinguishers in place. After all, a fire extinguisher can easily douse small fires and prevent them from spreading further till any firefighters come to the rescue. But simply installing fire extinguishers in residential societies or business setups isn’t enough. It should be inspected and maintained from time to time so that it can carry the task of putting out the fire.


In the remainder of this blog post, we have shared some tips that should be followed for the maintenance of fire extinguishers. Irrespective of the fire extinguisher types one is having at their disposal, proper care must be taken. Let’s take a look at the ways that should be followed by everyone.


Proper Servicing


Fire extinguishers must be serviced regularly. This would help to ensure that the fire extinguisher is in good working condition and it won’t betray operators during any small fire incidents.


Well, it’s the responsibility of the business owners and responsible people of buildings to ensure that certain extinguishers are serviced as per the industry standards. However, some fire extinguisher types might require close visual inspection. Hence, they should be serviced as per the instructions given by manufacturers.


Regular Inspection


Visual inspection is important for fire extinguishers. During the inspection, professionals can take a quick look at the extinguisher and see if it’s operational. Also, it’s important to ensure that the safety seals aren’t damaged, or the hoses of the extinguisher shouldn’t be blocked.


In the event, they see any signs of trouble with the ABC Fire Extinguisher or CO2 Fire extinguisheror Foam Fire Extinguishers they might suggest the next precautionary steps to be taken.


It must be noted that the frequency of inspection would greatly depend on regularity and how thoroughly the extinguisher is maintained. Also, inspection should be carried out when the extinguishers are in operation and within 30-day intervals. During the inspection of CO2 fire extinguishers or any other types, the inspector would record the details on the tags. This, in turn, would help to keep a tab on the potential problems faced by the particular extinguisher and take necessary steps. 




You must indeed have paid a hefty fire extinguisher price for getting an extinguisher for your business facility or residential society; hence, proper maintenance is required. Through maintenance, any signs of trouble could be avoided. However, the frequency of maintenance could be weekly to monthly based on the frequency of use.


As a part of the extinguisher maintenance, care is taken to check the pressure gauge remains at its recommended level. Also, in case of any corrosive materials or oil that have settled on the extinguisher, it must be wiped off immediately.


Visual inspection of a fire extinguisher once or twice a month can help to avert any big problems with the extinguishers. However, the inspection and maintenance of any fire extinguisher types should be done by professionals.

Care and Maintenance of Your Fire Fighting Equipment Care and Maintenance of Your Fire Fighting Equipment Reviewed by Kanex Fire on May 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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