ABC Powder Fire Extinguishers: A Brief Guide

ABC Powder Fire Extinguishers: A Brief Guide

Whether it’s a public place or a workplace, having the right fire extinguisher in place is important. At the same time, it must be ensured that the fire extinguishers are in working condition. Only then any kind of fire hazard could be avoided.

Fire Extinguishers Handle Different Fires

When you have decided to install a fire extinguisher for your facility, keep in mind that a particular type of fire extinguisher might not work on all types of fire. To handle different Classes of fires, respective types of fire extinguishers must be used.

For instance, water fire extinguishers are apt to deal with fires that involve combustible materials, such as wood, textiles, and paper. Also, an ABC fire extinguisher is ideal for Class A, B, C, and also for electrical fires.

It must be kept in mind that every single fire extinguisher is suitable for working on certain kinds of fire. It won’t work on other fires for which it is not designed. For instance, a co2 fire extinguisher is suitable for fighting Class B fire and not Class A fire. So, having proper knowledge about the fire extinguisher types is very important.

Know About ABC Powder Fire Extinguisher

Well, the dry powder fire extinguishers are also known as ABC extinguishers. The ABC extinguisher is a versatile piece of fire extinguisher. Why? An ABC extinguisher can work on a variety of fire situations.

ABC fire extinguishers are suitable for fighting burning combustible materials, burning flammable liquids, flammable gas, and even on electrical fires. To be more precise, it can protect ordinary, light, and even high fire hazards. So, an ABC Fire Extinguisher is suitable for an environment with mixed fire risk. These extinguishers contain silicon-coated mono ammonium phosphate-based dry powder as their extinguishing agent.

Precautions for Using ABC Extinguishers

However, care must be taken to refrain from using dry powder fire extinguishers within enclosed spaces. After all, there is a high risk of inhaling the powder. Also, the powder leaves a lot of residue in the place of operation that is pretty difficult to clean. So, it won’t be wrong to say that these extinguishers are not suitable for offices, small rooms, and even homes.

BC Fire Extinguisher: Another Variant of Powder Fire Extinguisher

It is also known as a Dry Chemical Extinguisher. Unlike ABC extinguishers, BC Fire Extinguisher contains either potassium or sodium bicarbonate-based dry powder which acts as its extinguishing agent. The agent creates a cooling as well as a blanketing effect for slowing down the fire from spreading further and eventually extinguishing it.

The BC Fire Extinguisher is suitable for industrial settings where combustible materials are present in huge quantities. They can easily douse Class B and C fires. It is easily identifiable through its blue color band.

Well, both Fire Extinguishers are pressurized with dry nitrogen gas and are fitted with a pressure gauge which makes them easy to use.


Irrespective of the fire extinguisher you are picking up, each should be capable of fighting different classes of fires.

ABC Powder Fire Extinguishers: A Brief Guide ABC Powder Fire Extinguishers: A Brief Guide Reviewed by Kanex Fire on June 27, 2022 Rating: 5

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