There are so many shapes and sizes of a fire happening at different places. Because of that, having the proper fire protection system to tackle various sorts of fires is necessary. CO2 fire extinguishers are one of these devices.
You have to
understand the essentials of this sort of fire extinguisher, including what they
are used for and where not.
In this blog, we
will give you an idea about what is Co2 Fire Extinguisher and where they are used.
What is Co2 Fire Extinguisher?
Co2 fire
extinguishers (referred to as Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers) are
appropriate for Class B liquid fires and fires affecting fragile electrical
equipment. They are not appropriate for
controlling Class A fires involving solids because they do not act by cooling
the flames.
Co2 fire
extinguishers use a high-pressure discharge to replace the air with inert
Carbon Dioxide gas. One of the primary benefits of employing this extinguisher
is that there will be no mess or residue left after discharge.
Who requires CO2 extinguishers?
CO2 fire
extinguishers should be standard issue in places where there is a risk of live
electrical fire, such as
• Offices
• Shops
• Schools
• Hospitals
CO2 fire
extinguishers are very useful in offices with many electrical office equipments.
Use of Co2 Fire Extinguishers: where to
CO2 fire
extinguishers are used in the following situations:
Fire occurs involving electrical equipment such as computers or generators
('electrical' fires)
Fire is caused by combustible liquids such as gasoline, diesel, and paint
('class B' fires) happens, if your property is at risk for Class B fires, you
must keep a CO2 extinguisher easily accessible and ready at all times.
Use an extinguisher
only on small fires. If a fire has started, do not battle it; instead, flee
Use of Co2 Fire Extinguishers: where not
to use
When Cooking
fires involving oil and grease, such as chip pan fires ('class F' fires) occur,
Co2 Fire Extinguishers are not recommended to use.
Final words
Is your building equipped with the proper fire
You must have the
proper fire protection device to successfully put out a fire. At Kanex, our
fire extinguisher specialists can perform a thorough inspection of your
facility to ensure that you have the correct extinguishers. Please contact us
right away to learn more about proper fire safety and protection.

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