5 Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers Before Buying

Whether you are managing a business operation or an industrial facility, it is crucial to have proper fire fighting systems in place. With a functional fire extinguisher, dousing out fire would be very easy. However, it’s important to pick the right kind of fire extinguisher. Why? For dousing the specific class of fire. 

For instance, ABC fire extinguishers helps to douse fires within an industrial and business environment. Similarly, ABC fire extinguishers help extinguish kitchen fires. In short, different types of fire extinguishers are meant to extinguish different class of fire. So, remaining well-informed about extinguishers is important before picking one for use.

5 Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers Before Buying

Things To Consider

Before you go ahead and search for fire extinguisher types and where to buy, you need to keep in mind some important pointers. Let’s take a walk through those pointers.

      Different Kinds Of Fire Extinguishers

When you are planning to buy a fire extinguisher, you must be aware of the types available in the market. Generally, one gets to see the following types of fire extinguishers: water, CO2, powder, foam, water mist and wet chemical. Each are designed to meet different classes of fire. Like a water fire extinguisher works on Class A fire; whereas, AFFF Foam works on Class B fire. So to deal with Class A, B, C, D, F, and electrical fires, you will need different extinguishers. Consider the class of fire your environment deals with and choose accordingly.

      Fire Extinguisher Quality

The fire extinguisher price greatly depends on the quality of fire extinguisher. For instance, an ABC fire extinguisher made with superior quality materials would cost more than a simple water based fire extinguisher. Basically, the quality of an extinguisher depends based on the extinguishing agent used in the fire extinguishing device.

      The Size Of The Room

Just like you would check the price of the fire extinguisher, you would also need to check the size of the room/ place where you are going to use it. For example, smaller room would require smaller size of fire extinguishing equipment like 2.5 lbs; whereas, larger rooms or industrial facilities will require a bigger size of fire extinguisher, such as 10 lbs. Keep in mind that for industrial facilities and warehouses, 10 to 20lbs is the required standard for fire prevention.

      Fire Extinguisher Price

The fire extinguisher price greatly depends on the type of chemical agent used in the extinguisher and also on its size. The larger the size, the price goes higher. So a 1.5lbs fire extinguisher will cost less than a 10lbs fire extinguisher.


The maintenance of the extinguisher is important to ensure it is functional. Whether it’s offering monthly or yearly maintenance is very important.

In case, you are wondering where to buy a CO2 fire extinguisher or a foam fire extinguisher, you can get in touch with our experts. At Kanex, we can guide you to get the best-quality fire extinguisher for dealing with different class of fire.

5 Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers Before Buying 5 Things You Should Know About Fire Extinguishers Before Buying Reviewed by Kanex Fire on August 12, 2022 Rating: 5

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