Evolution in Fire Fighting Equipments

Fire extinguishers are regarded as one of the most important inventions in our world today. A fire extinguisher helps to control the fire at an initial stage, but prevents its from spreading further. These equipments are very helpful to deal any kind of fire hazards at office, home, car parking, hospitals, instituitions, and more. 

Evolution in Fire Fighting Equipments

Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire fighting is a dangerous job. Hence, it requires the use of special fire fighting equipments, that consists of Personal Protective Equipment Gear, Fire Safety Alarm System, Fire Extinguishers, Breathing Apparatus, Helmet, Gloves, and more.

In fact, the fire extinguisher systems that we get to see today is an evolved version of its first prototype; however, it has gone through several changes. Let’s walk down through the evolution process of the fire extinguishers from the fire fighting systems.

History Of Fire Extinguishers

Ctesibius of Alexandria fostered the basic fire extinguisihing gear way back in 200 BC. It was as a hand-siphon that worked to deliver water to douse the fire.

The Russians started using water bucket chain for extinguishing the fire. Since it became exhausting, squirts - a syringe like device was invented during the Middle Ages. This gear assisted with extinguishing fires via the jet spray that pushed water with pressure application.

Portable Version Of Fire Extinguisher

The modern day fire extinguishers was invented in 1819. This model was made up of 3 gallons copper vessel that was filled with potassium carbonate solution generated under the compressed air.

Next, the cartridge operated extinguisher was designed by Read and Campbell of England that used water solution for extinguishing fire. Later on, a carbon tetrachloride was marketed due to its automotive use.

Soda Acid Extinguiser

The fire fighting equipments underwent a huge change from the version available in 1819 and its contents. In 1866, the soda acid extingusiher was invented. It consisted a combination of sodium bicarbonate, water, and tartaric acid. It came with a plunger to operate the fire extinguisher. On pulling the plunger, the CO2gas was generated and released via the nozzle.

Cartridge Operated Fire Extinguishers

In 1881, the cartridge operated extinguisher was created by Read & Campbell. This extinguisher worked on water and water based solutions. Later on, a carbon tetrachloride model was developed.  Slowly, with time, various types of fire fighting equipment were coming to the forefront, starting with foam extinguishers to CTC fire extinguisher to CO2 fire extinguisher.

20th Century Fire Extinguisher

The modern-day fire extinguishers have been designed in such a way that it offers ease of use, along with performance efficiency. It can work on dousing fire from its initial stage. Whether one is using stored type fire extinguisher or gas cartridge type fire extinguisher or a CO2 fire extinguisher or more, it needs to be used along with fire fighting equipments.

Along with these popular types of fire extinguishers, a fire suppression system is also important. They are designed to stop fire from spreading further inside buildings or facilities.

Well, the evolution of fire fighting systems is pretty interesting. Share your view with us!

Evolution in Fire Fighting Equipments Evolution in Fire Fighting Equipments Reviewed by Kanex Fire on August 17, 2022 Rating: 5

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